5.5 Select Batches to be associated to the Delivery

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Update Sales Order Status to enable Delivery
Performer: Logistics
Role: Logistics Assistant
Transaction : WingsII – LX03

The Bin Status Report is used to identify and select the batches to be issued out from WMS. To access this report follow the patch below:

Logistics > Logistics Execution > Internal Whse Processes > Bins and Stock > Display

In the Initial Screen enter the fields ‘Warehouse Number’ and ‘Layout’ with proper information:

From the drop down menu choose the warehouse to be used for the Outbound Delivery:

For the Layout choose ‘PO GR TO’:

Click on .

In the overview screen highlight the Material column and then click on the ‘Set Filter’ button :

Enter the Material Code from the Sales Order to be checked and press ‘Enter’:

Filter also for the WBS element relevant for the stock owner to be utilised. Take note of the batch number(s) that best suit the quantity required (FIFO methodology has to be applied; please refer to your senior storekeeper and/or your Logistics Assistant/Officer regarding the bins to be selected):