1.1.1 List of stock values - stock balances

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List of stock values: balances
Performer: C.S. Reppresentatives
Role: Customer Service
Transaction : WingsII - MB5L

List of Stock Values

To display, print or export the stock balances from the system, follow the path below:

Logistics > Material Management > Inventory Management > Periodic Processing > MB5L List of Stock Values

WMSB 1.png

Display of List of Stock Values

In the menu select the path described above. The system showns the List of Stock Values: Balances initial screen

WMSB 2.png

Type in WFP in Company code field. Enter the Valuation area to view stock by single HRD hub (i.e. AEHD for Dubai, PAHD for Panama, GHHD for Ghana, MYHD for Malaysia, ESHD for Las Palmas and ITHD for Brindisi); otherwise to list stock balances for all the HRDs click on WMSB 3.png , select the variant named /UNHRD NETWORK and hit WMSB 4.png:

WMSB 5.png

Click on WMSB 6.png.

Click on WMSB 7.png to get rid of the information message returned by the system “Restrictions on this field lead to incorrect” Double click on G/L acct 500461 to view WFP FOOD ITEMS balances, on 585000 to view WFP NON FOOD ITEMS balances and Z100011 to view NON WFP NFI and FI balances.

WMSB 8.png

In case it is required, follow the path below to select the available variants:

WMSB 9.png

Select /STOCK REP to view the Non Food Items stock balances; otherwise select /FI STOCKREP and hit WMSB 10.png:

WMSB 11.png

Display of List of Suppliers prepositioned stock

In case it is required to display the Suppliers prepositioned stocks, select the Variant named /SUPPLIERSTOCK and hit WMSB 4.png:

WMSB 555new.png

The variant includes the correct G/L acct Z100011 which applies to NOWFP NFI and NOWFPI FI and it is therefore extended to Supplier Stock balance.

Click on WMSB 7.png to get rid of the information message returned by the system “Restrictions on this field lead to incorrect”.

Double click on the GL account Z100011:


From the top menu select Settings > Layout > Choose:

WMSB 555new1.png

Select the Layout named "/SUPPLIERSTO":

WMSB 555new2.png

System confirms that the selected layout has been applied and displays the Supplier Stock balances grouped by WBS element assigned to each Supplier. The list can be exported by following the instructions listed in Paragraph 5 Save of List of Stock Values

WMSB 555new3.png

Print of List of Stock Values

To print out the list follow the path below:

WMSB 12.png

Type “LOCL” and hit WMSB 13.png to print it on the default printer of your computer:

WMSB 14.png

Save of List of Stock Values

To save the list follow the path below:

WMSB 16.png

Select the preferred format (“Spreadsheet” is recommended) and hit WMSB 17.png :

WMSB 18.png

Select the directory from the browse icon:

WMSB 19.png

Click on WMSB 20.png and on WMSB 21.png :

WMSB 22.png

Select the preferable driver, type in the file name, hit WMSB 23.png and then WMSB 24.png on the following screen.

Hints In case specific lists are required (e.g. prefabricated, softwall ) enter the range of material codes in the initial screen:

In the initial screen browse icon:

WMSB 25.png

Enter the keyword in the material description field and hit WMSB 26.png :

WMSB 27.png

The system will return the entire list of items that contain the keyword:

WMSB 28.png

Take note of the number range and type it in the initial screen (e.g. B27169000 and B27169999 to include a wider selection):

WMSB 29.png

Follow the process detailed above to print or save the selection.