10.3 NFI Receipt

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Performer: Warehouse staff
Role: Warehouse roles
Transaction : WingsII – MIGO

Post Good Receipt against PO for NFI and POWM

Once the items received in the warehouse have been inspected and considered in line with the PONF or the POWM (in case of procurement performed by External Partner), the Good Receipt (GR) against the PO have to be posted. To post a GR follow the menu path described below:

Logistics > Material Management > Purchasing > Purchase Order > Follow-on Functions > MIGO – Goods Receipt

Select “Good Receipt” and Purchase order” as document to post:

Select Movement type 101 as GR goods receipt:

Click on .

In order to record information on the items and shipping documents, edit the header text of the GR to include information such us the chassis of a vehicle, serial numbers of generators, or lot/batch number from supplier in case of perishable items (use the Header Text field as circled in green in the printshot below); this field can be also used to record any other relevant information on the incoming. In case of GR vs a POWM issued to mirror a PONF (i.e. procurement of items for External partner), it is strictly required to record the PONF of reference in the Header section of the GR (use the Delivery Note field as circled in light-blue in the printshot below); also the supplier shipping document number can be recorded (use the Bill of Lading field as circled in orange in the printshot below).

Above data is carried over by the system in the Inspection report that is generated from the GR as detailed in Paragraph 3. of this Chapter. Such information are also returned on the Material Document List report (transaction MB59):

Select the line item that requires to be GRed by clicking on the “next item ” and “previous item” icons on the bottom of the Detail Data side of the page:

Adjust quantity if required by clicking on the tab Quantity:

Click on “Item Ok “match box the bottom side of page per ea of the line items that requires GR posted:

Enter the Storage Location '0002':

The system generates batches automatically for those items that are subject to Batch Management. Never replace the progressive number provided as batch with any other information related to the incoming which can be conversely recorded during putaway stage

Check the document by clicking on on the top of the page; if the system will return the message click on to Save the Good receipt.

Good Receipt for Loans & Borrowing process

In case the items received are subject to the return under LOAN/BORROWING process, at Good Receipt stage for either POWM for External Partners or PONF for Internal Partners, enter '0003' in the Storage Location field which is the code associated to description 'L&B Transfer' and dedicated for the postings related to this process. This prevents the system to generate Transfer Requirements to be processed as Warehouse Management side. Once the items are received under this Storage Location the stock will be visible under any generic Warehouse Accounting view such us 'Display Warehouse Stocks of Material' (transaction MB52) or 'List of Stock Values; (transaction MB5L). The items stored in Storage Location 0003 during GR posting are then processed for loans return by Support Office. Once the loan is closed and items are returned by Warehouse staff under storage Location 0002, the transfer requirement generated has to be completed by performing the putaway process.

Good Receipt for On-demand process

In case the items received are subject to the on-demand procurement process, at Good Receipt stage for either POWM for External Partners or PONF for Internal Partners, enter '0004' in the Storage Location field which is the code associated to description 'ON-DEMAND PROC' and is dedicated for the postings related to this process. This prevents the system to generate Transfer Requirements to be processed as Warehouse Management side. Once the items are received under this Storage Location the stock will be visible under any generic Warehouse Accounting view such us 'Display Warehouse Stocks of Material' (transaction MB52) or 'List of Stock Values; (transaction MB5L). The items stored in Storage Location 0004 during GR posting are then processed to the forthcoming creation of OUTBOUND DELIVERY. NOTE In case of On-Demand procurement only material codes of the 'BO' range are effected (e.g. BO48233001).

Problems with GR posting

In some cases, WINGS might apparently save the GR. When this happens the GR is not shown on the PO History View tab. This issue is due to the setting of User’s printing in WINGS, since it points to LOCAL printer, while WINGS looks for PDF1 instead of local’s at GR stage. To solve the issue follow the path below:

System > User Profile > Own Data

Click on Parameters TAB:

Select the line with Parameter ID NDR:

Delete the NDR line by clicking on the icon and then click on save icon on the top:

In case the above does not solve the issue, check if the material’s code specification are correct. It might happens that the volume generated by the GR posting vs PONFs that receive NFIs in stock is too high due to wrong information on volume or weight in the Material Master Database. In case the information on Material Master Database is not correct request for Support Office's (SAN) assistance.

NOTE: Same solution can be applied in case WINGS presents and issue with posting of Service Entry Sheets.

HINTS: Selecting the Individual Slip with Inspection text box on the Header Data side the system will automatically generate the Inspection report (see manual named How to print out the Inspection Report:

Reverse a Good Receipt

In case it is required to reverse a Good Receipt (e.g. to adjust posting date) follow all the above steps and use Movement type 102:

Click on “Item Ok “match box the bottom side of page per ea of the line items that requires GR reversal (also partial reverse is allowed):

NOTE: If the barcoding system is adopted in the warehouse, remove the Special Movement indicator in the WMS tab:

Check the document by clicking on on the top of the page; if the system will return the message click on to Save the Good receipt reversed.

The PO will show then the following movements in the History tab:

In order to clear the warehouse storage bin, it is required to post a Transfer Order (transaction LT10) to return the materials from their locations to the receiving area (namely 902 against the PO number); these below the movements that put away the materials after first GRN and the second one the returned the materials from the location to the receiving area:

After that the GRN to receive the materials can be re-posted; the system will then return the following history:

Post Good Receipt for items to be received under SUPPLIERS STOCK balances

When release is posted against PONFs which contains items available under the SUPPLIERS STOCK balances (and when POWMs is created and released to mirror tne PONFs in case of procurement for External Partners), the storekeepers have to issue the GR and produce the IR. Partial GR must be posted if availability of SUPPLIERS STOCK covers only a portion of the total quantity procured).

As usual, Procurement and Finance have to be informed that the GR has been issued, and signed Inspection Report have to be submitted to them and archived in the LOGISTICS files as well.

When GR is posted versus the PONF (and versus the related POWM in case of procurement for External Partners), the Logistics officer or the storekeeper informs the WM Experts at Support Office asking for the decrease of SUPPLIERS STOCK balances accordingly with the quantity posted in the GRs.

NOTE: In case of procurement for External Partners, WM Experts at Support Office decreases the stock only when also the GR against the related POWM will be posted (meaning items will be received in WMS). The action posted in WINGS for stock decreasing is totally not connected to the GR posted against PONFs and eventual POWMs; for this reason is crucial to communicate to WM Experts at Support Office that the GR has been posted and to monitor the related decrease of WS balances at hub level.

When the reductions of WS figures are posted, WM Experts at Support Office informs Procurement as unit responsible of the management of WS.

In case of procurement from SUPPLIERS STOCK the following steps applies:


• Post the GR against PONF that procures the items stored under SUPPLIERS STOCK (clear instructions of this action is usually entered by Procurement Unit in the PO text fields or header). This action has to be performed when the PO is released

• In case of procurement for external Partner, create a POWM by mirroring information on the PONF and post the GR

• Inform the WM Experts at Support Office (SAN) to decrease the the stock balance of SUPPLIERS STOCK accordingly

• WM Experts at Support Office checks that all the above actions have been performed accurately (e.g. POWM prices are alike those on the PONF, material adopted are in line with PONF, etc.) and posts the decrease by attaching the request received from the involved hub.

• Storekeepers at hub level create the Transfer Order that is generated after the above GR posting(s) to complete the putaway from the ‘receiving area’ (standard incoming procedure) even if in reality the items are not moved from the WS area

Balance negative quantities after SUPPLIERS STOCK decrease

In some cases, decreases posted versus the SUPPLIERS STOCK might generate some negative figures in the Warehouse. Warehouse staff can perform the following actions in order to balance those negative quantities:

1. run transaction LX03 and list negative balances on the top by sorting the list by quantity (column named 'Stock'). Negative balances are always twinned with positive balances of same quantity and/or batch. If material is not managed with batch, the Quant applies. Apply a filter in the material or batch column to select the material code or the batch that shows negative balances. To set the filter click on “set filter” button and enter the material code or the batch number that has negative balance:

By doing that the system shows only the bins to use to cancel the negative quantity:

2. Open a new session and run transaction LT01 to enter the specs circled below (NOTE: use correct BATCH and WBS that requires to be cleared) and click on :

3. Enter the specs circled below: positive quantities have to balance the negative quantities; it means that information on section ‘From’ has to be related to the positive quantities (highlighted in blue below) while those in the section ‘Destination’ have to be related to negative quantities (highlighted in green below) and click twice and save:

The data highlighted above is retrieved by displaying transaction LX03 as shown below:

NOTE: in case the negative and positive quantities are in the same storage location, insert the same info in the ‘From’ and ‘Destination’ sections and enter each respective QUANTS that can be retrieved by clicking on the storage bin from transaction LX03 view.

4. The system prompts with a warning message asking to check the data. Save the Transfer Order and confirm it thru transaction LT12, if confirmation during TO creation is not allowed. To check if the system has clean the balance, refresh transaction LX03:


• in case storage by ownership is applied in the warehouse, when GR is posted move the items from bins dedicated for storage of SUPPLIERS STOCK’s items to Partners’ bins.

• In case optimization of storage space is applied (items are stored based on material category rather than by Ownership), no physical transfer is required but just re-labeling of the units to show that they are not part of SUPPLIERS STOCK anymore but property of the Owner specified in the Account Assignment tab of the PONF/POWM (in case barcoding is adopted, the label will be produced by the system automatically as consequence of the step below

• In case Customs references is applied, this information does not have to be changed as the Customs status of the items does have to comply with

Edit and Print Inspection Report

Go to transaction MB02 or follow the patch below:

Logistics > Materials Management > Inventory Management > Material Document > MB02 – Change

Enter the Material Document and hit :

The system displays the details of the GR posted:

Click on and type in the line item number:

In the Text field type any required remarks:

Click on Enter ZE01 as Output and EN as language:

Click on and enter “PDF Test Printer” as logical destination and match the 2 options circled below and hit and on to return to previos screen:

Select the line Output created and click on :

Select “Send with application own transaction” as Requested processing:

Hit and on to return to previous screen and click on twice.

Click on “Material Document” and on Process Output:

The system will prompt the Document number automatically; enter ZE01 in the Output Type field and 1 in the Processing Mode field and hit on :

NOTE In case it is requried to reprint or resave and Inspection Report already processed, entre 3 as Processing Mode.

Select the material document and hit on :

The system will return the Inspection Report form that can ebe ither saved on the computer as Adobe file or printed out on local printer after the required information have been entered:

Fill in the cells by entering the informtaion required to complete the printout in the editable fields (in gray) such as the delivery date, the packaging details, the weight of cargo received, observation on the materials, if any, name of who inspected the materials and date of inspection.

Hit on to save the report and select the preferred location on local computer:

Browse for the desired location, change file name if required and hit on

NOTE The C: drive of your computer is listed as 'Local Disk Y:'. Don't save the Inspections Reports on the 'Desktop' ad the one shown it is related to Citrix Server, not the desktop on user's computer.

To print the Inspection Report click on . The system shows the default printer set on the local computer; anyother printer installed on it can be selected from the drop-down menu:

Select a local printer and hit on OK.

To save the Inspection Report click on List on the menu bar on the top, then on Save and File:

Select the preferred format (“Spreadsheet” is recommended) and hit . Select the directory from the browse icon and chen click on Desktop and on Computer to save the Inspection Report on the preferred location on the server or local disk.

Warehouse staff informs Customer Service about receipt of items so that UNHRD Partners are notified as well.

Post Transfer Order

After the posting of GR against PONFs (with Q as account assignment) and POWMs, the system moves the user directly to the creation of Transfer Order to perform the putaway of the materials received. Click on :

The system displays the GR lines for the materials that require to be put away in the warehouse:

Click on :

Click on :

In the Certificate No. field enter any extra information about incoming items (e.g. for batch or lot number related to Food or Medical items) and tick the Confirm box. In case the system does not allow the confirmation during posting of Transfer Order, this action can be completed with a separate posting after TO creation. The systems shows as Source data the receiving area which correspond to Storage Location 902 and adopts the PO number as storage bin. The system proposes the information on Destination data starting from the putaway strategy recorded in the material master database for each material; any other Storage Type and/or Storage Bin can be selected in the Destination section if different than what is foreseen by the strategy:

Click on

It is required to check the information entered. Click again on as many times as needed.

Click on on to process next line item, if any:

Complete the entries as above for all the remaining line items and confirm by clicking on . Click on as many times as needed.

Click on to make sure there are no more items to be selected. The system displays the screen below when all the items have been processed:

In case it is required to insert any extra information about incoming items (e.g. for batch of lot number related to Food or Medical items) once transfer order is already posted against GR, go to transaction LT01 or follow the path below:

Logistics > Logistics Execution > Internal Whse Processes > Stock Transfer > Create Transfer Order >

Click on to save.

NOTE In case of segrgation of duties between who post the GR and how process the putaway, the transfer order against a GR can be posted on a separate stage by running transaction LT06 or following the path below:

Logistics > Logistics Execution > Inbound Process > Goods Receipt for Purchase Order, Order, > Putaway > Create Transfer Order

Enter the GR number generated from previous posting and follow above instructions on how to complete the putaway process.

Confirmation of Transfer Order

If confirmation is not allows when Transfer Order is created go to transaction LT12 or follow the path below:

Logistics > Sales and Distribution > Shipping and Transportation > Picking > Confirm Transfer Order > Single Document

Enter the TO number and click on . The system displays the list of items processed thru the TO just created:

Click on and on to save.

Posting of Transfer Order for warehouse internal move

In case the wrong destination bin has been entered in the Transfer Order or in case it is required to change items location, go to transaction LT01 or follow the path below:

Logistics > Logistics Execution > Internal Whse Processes > Stock Transfer > Create Transfer Order

Open a new WINGS section to take note of the actual location of items:

On the first screen of the Transfer order creation enter the information circled in red in the image below:

NOTE The vendor batch number can be inserted in the Certificate n. field (circled in blue).

On the next screen enter the information circled in red below regarding the source and the destination bin:

In case it is only required to edit/amend the certificate n. field enter the same information on both the source and the destination bin:

Click on and save.

Common problems with GR posting

GR SAVED BUT NOT RECORDED: In some cases WINGS apparently saves the GR number but it does not show it on the PO History View tab. The issue is due to the User’s printing setting on WINGS that points to LOCAL printer (while WINGS is looking for PDF1 instead of local’s). Apply the instructions below to fix the issue:

Follow the path below:

System > User Profile > Own Data

Click on Parameters TAB:

Delete the line with NDR:

To delete the NDR line select it and click on the icon circled below in red and then click on icon on the top:

Clearing of open items

In case a PR is partially turned into PO (e.g. when only part of the quantity on a line or some lines of the PR are not turned into POs), the balances generate an open item on UNHRD Financial Dashboard for the Minimum Monthly Closure. When the whole quantity of one or more lines of a PR is/are not longer required, the same line(s) can be totally deleted from the PR by selecting the line(s) and clicking on :

When a balance of items on a line of a PR has been not turned into PO, the below actions have to be performed in case payment to Supplier has not yet settled:

1. Reverse the GR, if already posted

2. Delete the line in the PO effected

3. Edit the PR line by reducing the balance quantity

4. Undelete the PO line (release will be effected)

5. Re-post the GR

If the payment to Supplier has been already settled, it is not possible apply the above steps to decrease the extra quantity on the PR. This is due to the fact that the PR line is blocked by the said PO. In that case Procurement team has to edit the PO by selecting "Close PR" status in ""Delivery Schedule"" tab if the PO line effected: