1.1 Receive new UNHRD Customer NFI/Service Request

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Receive new UNHRD Customer NFI/Service Request
Performer: Customer Service
Role: C.S. Representatives
Transaction : Corporate e-mail

The request is received into the general Customer Service e-mail account (UNHRD.customerservice@wfp.org). The local HRD Customer Service representative picks up the requests pertaining to his/her specific Hub; however, in case of urgent requests he/she can also process service requests directed to other Hubs. As a general rule, when a local Customer Service staff processes the Inquiry, the Quotation and the PI, he/she will complete the entire sales process until the Final Invoice is raised. If the C.S. representative processes service directed to other Hubs, he/she passes over the sale as soon as the effected Hubs return to be operative.

It is recommended to open an Inquiry against each request received, to allow the tracking of number of requests that eventually abort before quotations, sales and/or provision of services. Replies to Partner's requests have to be submitted by 24 hours the receipt of the request. In case the UCS staff is not in the position to raise the Inquiry, a simple acknowledge of the receipt of the request can be sent.

As per UNHRD Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) UCS staff should always remind the partners that the manager of the HRD involved in the transaction should be copied on the email sent to UCS mailbox (referring to the relevant contacts – in particular, the Releasing authorities for HRD stocks - in the fact-sheets in Annex 5 and/or the UNHRD website: www.unhrd.org), and that, in the subject line of the email, the name of the involved country/destination and the Inquiry, Quotation, Sales Order or PI number should always be mentioned.

In general all mails from UCS mailbox should be signed with the UCS representative Name and Last name and the text “UNHRD Customer Service” as second line, without reporting the hub he/she belongs to:

Name Last-name
UNHRD Customer Service

This is because the Partners' needs can be satisfied by accessing a single entry point and with same standards that can be provided similarly by the 5 separate offices/UCS locations. In any case, use of personal corporate mail account should be avoided to communicate with Partners (both internal and external) unless exceptional circumstances apply.

UNHRD Special Logistics Business offers a variety of options to the Partner for the provision of services. Below listed the most common Business processes:

Direct Delivery process

Direct Delivery process is applied to those sales that involve the delivery of goods directly from Supplier's location to UNHRD Partner. The process can be applied either to procurement of standard items or to items procured ad-hoc upon request of Partners. Shipping terms that can be applied to Direct Delivery sale can be either EXWorks, when transport is procured separately by UNHRD, or DAP, when transport is performed by Supplier beside the provision of goods. See Chapter 3.22 Direct Delivery for further information on this process.

Loans & Borrowing process

UNHRD Partners are allowed loan of stocks with other Partners, subject to a bilateral agreement between parties moderated by UNHRD. These are considered shared stocks. The most common way to access another Partner's stocks is through a sale, e.g. “User A” may buy items which are part of “User B‟s” stocks and takes possession of them upon issuance by “User B” of an approval for loan. Upon request from the lending Partner, UNHRD takes care of the procurement for the replenishment of the lent stock, performs the require actions to make the stock available under borrower's account and return it back once replenished. Loan can be closed thru procurement of any other items selected by the lender. See Chapter 3.3.1 Sales Order with Loans and Borrowing for further details on this process.

Cash Repayment process

UNHRD Sales process includes the sales of items between Partners. As per the Memorandum for Cash Repayment from UNHRD Network Coordinator this process can be applied to sales of items stored by UNHRD on behalf of External Partners and can't be applied t sale of WFP stocks. This process is usually applied when an External Partner requires the cash repayment of the items requested by another Partner, either Internal or External, rather than approving the loan of same items, and can be applied only if the External Partner acting as Seller is able to issue an Invoice or a Debit Note to be used for the settlement of the sale. Therefore, when UNHRD Customer Service assistant receives a request from an External Partner to apply the Cash Repayment process, he/she must ensure in advance that the Partner is clearly acquainted of the above requirement. See Chapter 3.3.2 Sales Order with Cash Repayment for further details on this process.

Receipt of donation to Partner's stock and donations between Partners

UNHRD can support partners receiving donated stock under UNHRD WMS and to make their stock items available to other partners by donation. In fact UNHRD can account donation of stock to Internal Partners by following WFP corporate solution as detailed in the Guidance on in-kind contribution. If donated materials are to be received by External Partners, the same can be included as Inventory Stock by posting a POWM as detailed in 10.2.8 Create Purchase Orders Warehouse Management (POWM type) - External Sale In case UNHRD Customer Service assistant receives a request from an External Partner to donate stock redorded under UNHRD Stock Iventory to another External partner, it is required to obtain a Donation Certificate signed by both parties. This template of Certificate of Donation might be proposed to Partners in case it is required, otherwise UNHRD can accept any other format which contains similar concepts.

NOTE In case of donation between different Partners, the storage time of stock under receiver's account wil be restarted by creation of new batches when posting the donation in the system. If items are 'donated' under same Partner's, hence it is simple move to different project (i.e. change of WBS elements assigned to same Partner), then storage time is not restarted since goods remain under same batches.

Procurement or replenishment through Supplier prepositioned stocks

As per UNHRD Standard Operating Procedures, SUPPLIER STOCKS are Vendor's items stored within the UNHRD Network premises pursuant to a Long Term Agreement (LTA) with WFP. These stocks are not „owned‟ by any one agency and are not guaranteed to be permanently in-stock at each HRD; they are still owned by the suppliers and they are not marked with any logo/emblems, hence they are identified as UNHRD SUPPLIER Stocks. UNHRD may offer these stocks to its Partners under the same terms and conditions and pending their availability in the UNHRD Network. See Chapter 10.2 Supplier Stock for further information on this process.

Advanced Prepositioned Stock (APS)

As per a [https:// File:INSERT LINK TO SLA UGCO.png Service Level Agreement between WFP Country Office Uganda and United Nations Humanitarian Response Depot (UNHRD)] concerning prepositioning of Supplier Stocks, UNHRD manages a stock owned by Suppliers which is executed by an operating budget provided under the UNHRD Special Account. Country Office Uganda undertakes the logistics services, when and if requested, required to physically manage the Supplier Stock. Logistics services undertaken by CO Uganda includes storage of Supplier Stock on behalf of UNHRD in the WFP warehouse in Tororo; loading and offloading of receipt and dispatch trucks and containers in Tororo, as necessary; monitoring of Supplier Stock stored on behalf of UNHRD and report updated records to UNHRD; organizing the transport of UNHRD items ex-Tororo warehouse.

The approval of the level and composition of the Supplier Stocks is granted by the UNHRD Network Coordinator, in consultation with the CO. UNHRD follows up with suppliers on the availability and ensure the LTAs are correct and in place.

UNHRD Network Coordinator appoints one HRD Hub to perform and related action in WINGS for the management of APS.

Follow these links related to the steps required to perform sales and WMS management that include stocks stored in Tororo:

Sales of materials stored in Uganda

Supplier prepositioned Stock stored in Uganda

Creation of outbound delivery for APS

NOTE Any data entry in Sales module and WMS related to the management of APS is performed by the staff at the hub appointed by the Network Coordinator as hub responsible for one specific APS stock.

In-transit process

In-transit cargoes are made of items that transit into UNHRD warehouses for a limited lapse of time. These are typically no-standard items that are procured one time by either UNHRD or self-procured by Partners.

This sale is applied when it is required to manage cargo as trans-shipment for a limited lapse of time. The process identifies items that are procured on exceptional base, in case partners request to procure non-standard items (e.g. local procurement) or delivery to UNHRD items which are not part of their standard stock composition. Such kind of items transit thru the warehouse for a short lapse of time with the purpose of being shipped to final destination directly. This process is mostly applied when items procured for partners are not recommended by the Cluster and are based on ad-hoc procurement activities.

Upon request from Partners, Customer Service assistants can start Sales that requires to be processed thru in-transit when the requests involves the receipt into HRD warehouses of items which are not part of Partner's standard stock composition and that remain stored for a very limited lapsed of time.

The solution implemented in WINGS to reflect the receipt of this type of items foresees a minimum number of entries required to receive, track and dispatch them without the creation of new material codes. Items are considered as in-transit only if remain physically present in HRD warehouses for a limited lapse of time, i.e. 10 days. Thereafter, they must be processed thru standard WMS process, to include complete inbound process thru Good Receipt posting for PONFs/POWMs, put-away and complete outbound process thru registration on Sales Order, Outbound Delivery and following Good Issue. This is because after 11 days of storage it is required to ensure the liability of materials physically present in UNHRD warehouses as standard Stock Inventory. Customer Service Assistants have to monitor the status of in-transit items in order to follow on in case of longer storage.

Steps required to track during their transit and by the 10th day of storage are:

1. Upon receipt of acceptance of offer from Partner thru returned signed Proforma Invoice, enter the material codes that can be associated to the in-transit items into the Sales Order applying Item Category i.e. ZDLI (see details in Chapter 2.3. para 9 Sales Order in case of in-transit)

2. Before the items are received in HRD warehouses, create the Outbound Delivery from the Sales Order (see details in Creation of Outbound delivery for in-transit items)

3. Monitor the in-transit items thru the UNHRD Alert page, in the "Open SOs" or "Open ODs" lists

NOTE Mixed typology of items, e.g. standard Stock Inventory and in-transit items, can be included on same sale.

In-kind transport service

As WFP is totally voluntarily funded, it is essential that WFP continue to attract donor contributions through effective and efficient management of resources provided by donors to its operations. This concept is also applicable to UNHRD operations. Contributions may be donated by governments, intergovernmental bodies, and other public and appropriate non-governmental, including private sources. These contributions are made for purposes of WFP as articulated under Article II: The Purposes and Functions of WFP, paragraph 1, of the General Regulations.

What is an In-kind contribution

In line with WFP Resources, Donor Contribution management and reporting all contributions from External Entities, whether monetary or in kind, are recognized when confirmed in writing (even though cash is not yet received) in-kind contributions of food commodities or non-food items and services. This concept is applicable to UNHRD Operations when either a UNHRD Partner or an External entity provides free-of-charge transport service for items stored in UNHRD warehouses or in case UNHRD supports third parties to take advantage of the free-of-charge transport service.

What is and what is not an in-kind transport

In general a transport service is identified as "in-kind" when it is offered by one Donor/Partner to UNHRD Partners. The in-kind transport can be procured through UNHRD or it can be made available by Donors indipendently.

It is important to specify that when a UNHRD Partner obtains a free-of-charge transport service indipendently (e.g. a Government Air Force airlift as support to emergencies), this is is identified by UNHRD as in-kind transport service only if cargoes from other Partners are on-boarded on same means of transport made available for free.

Who are the Sponsors and the Beneficiaries

UNHRD defines Donors as Sponsors (either UNHRD Partners or external entities) when they offer free-of-charge transport services to other entities defined as Beneficiaries. To note that the Beneficiaries might be either Partners storing stocks at UNHRD warehouses or Third Parties, i.e., entities that load cargo not stored by UNHRD, but rather coming directly from their own warehouses.

How to manage operations with in-kind transport service

Below cases of in-kind transport services have been identified:

Sponsor Cargo composition by beneficiary Comments
In-kind transport procured by UNHRD to Partner
  • Sponsor's stock
  • Stock(s) from other Partner(s) departing from UNHRD Warehouses
  • Stock(s) not stored in UNHRD warehouses (Third Party stocks)
Sponsor might or might not load its own cargo
In-Kind transport provided by Partner
  • Sponsor's stock
  • Stock(s) from other Partner(s) departing from UNHRD Warehouses
  • Stock(s) not stored in UNHRD warehouses (Third Party stocks)
Sponsor might or might not load its own cargo
In-Kind transport provided by external entity
  • Stock(s) from Partner(s) departing from UNHRD Warehouses
  • Stock(s) not stored in UNHRD warehouses (Third Party stocks)
Sponsor is not a UNHRD Partner

NOTE If the Beneficiary is not a UNHRD Partner, below options apply:

1. If the third-party has an existing code in WINGS, its extension to Sales Area UNHRD must be requested through UNHRD WFP-VendorMaster Focal Points.

2. If the third-party does not have a Customer Code in WINGS, its creation must be requested through UNHRD WFP-VendorMaster Focal Points, specifying that the code will be used for WMS purposes only.

See Chapter 3.3.3 Sales Order with in-kind transport service for further details on this process.

Activity report on in-kind transport

Activities related to in-kind transport service can be retrieved through the on-line Activity Report available on UNHRD Staff Portal. In-kind transport can be filtered by Sponsor Name, then cargoes loaded in one sponsored shipment are identified by same SO number available in column "Means of Transport Code", while Sponsors are identified with the acronym "TIK" which is for "Shipment with Transport donated in-kind and Beneficiaries are identified with the acronym "SIK" whic is for "Shipment via Transport donated in-kind":