10.1 Requisition
Purchase Requisition creation, change and release | |
Performer: | Customer Service |
Role: | C.S. Representatives |
Transaction : | ME51N |
When funds availability is in place the procurement of services and goods is started by the creation of a Purchase Requisition.
If Customer Service is asked to procure a specific item (not considered in our current LTAs) then should be discussed with Procurement before making firm commitment to the Partner. In this way, Procurement can check to see if may be procured competitively (at least three vendors available) or a waiver would be required. If it seems that a Waiver would be required then we check with UNHRD Procurement Authorities first to see if they concur with the justification. This logic applies also to the Loans & Borrowing cases.
NOTE: Only in exceptional cases the Procurement of goods can be also performed by through the use of Petty cash. For these cases, it is strictly required to provide a Note for the Record to detail the reasons for that exceptional use; if required the upload of Inventory Stock can be sub-sequentially performed by Support Office upon receipt of a aforesaid Note for the Record, as justification of manual upload. Procurement thru Petty cash can be adopted also in case of Loans/Borrowing process. All relevant costs have to be captured and reflected in the final Debit Note indicating the Petty Cash document registered in Wings.
Anyhow it is recommended to avoid the use of Petty Cash to procure NFIs meant for Inventory Stock and to restrict it only to exceptional cases.
Create Purchase requisition
To create a new Purchase Requisition follow the path below or go to transaction ME51N
Logistics > Material Management > Purchasing > Purchase Requisition Create Purchase requisition
• Select the appropriate Purchase requisition by selecting it from the scroll down menu:
• The PRs most typically used are those listed below:
• Select the appropriate Purchase requisition by selecting it from the self-explanatory option on the scroll down menu:
NOTE: Create a PR NFI-Goods Waiver only in case authorization for waived procurement has been obtained from management thru procurement section by specification of reason for waiving.
• Enter in the Header text as many details as possible to better define the reason for procurement (e.g. CS and PI number, long description of services or goods):
• Depending on the funds details provided and the purpose of PR raise, select one of the Account assignments listed below:
Procurement of goods under Direct Delivery process
Direct Delivery procurement is applied to those sales that foresee the shipment of goods directly from Supplier's location to consignee's. It can be either applied to Internal or External Partner. Below specifications have to be entered when creating a PR for on-demand sales:
- Account assignment: is either Q in case of internal Partner or P in case of external Partner
- Material code: it has to be selected from the range of material codes starting with the letter "B" (e.g. B71622001). In case the material is not available, the most similar material code can be applied. If there is not suitable material code, this field can be exceptionally left empty (even if Q is applied as Account Assignment) and entered when the proper material code is created (i.e. when Procurement activity is completed and material specifications are available). Release from Finance can be requested even if the material code is not entered, by clearly specify that the process includes on-demand procurement. It could be helpful to enter the text 'On-demand procurement' in the PR header text. Entering of material code once created does not effect the PR release. When material code is entered on a later stage, Valuation Type has to be entered and valuation price has to be re-entered before saving the PR.
- Material group: in case the material to be adopted does not exist in the system, select the proper material group that applies to the goods.
- WBS element: in line with related SO, the WBS element associated to the Internal Partners i.e. S.0001.4.05.012 with description 'UNHRD Int. DD' or to External Partners S.0001.4.05.013 with description 'UNHRD Ext. DD'applies.
- In case of Internal Partner, the plant of reference is the CO/RB plant available in the system; in case of External Partner, the UNHRD Plant of reference applies. Procurement staff amends the delivery address that match with consignee's at PO stage.
Procurement of on-demand goods
On-demand procurement is applied to those sales that involve procurement of items that don’t fall under the standard variety of goods procured by UNHRD. These non-standard goods are neither those procured thru WFP LTAs nor those classified as Corporate Response Stock; they consist of any non-standard item that might be requested by either Internal or External Partners. Below specifications apply for the creation of the Purchase Request in case of on-demand sale. Below specifications have to be entered when creating a PR for on-demand sales:
- Account assignment: is either Q in case of internal Partner or P in case of external Partner
- Material code: it has to be selected from the range of generic material codes starting with the letter "BO" (e.g. BO71622001); in case the material is not available in the system, a specific request should be submitted thru the Material Master Creation Form to contain minimum specifications required for the creation of the generic new material code. The new material code can be created immediately, and the PR will be completed in time for Finance final release. It could be helpful to enter the text 'On-demand procurement' in the PR header text, to clearly identify the type of sale associated to it. Entering of material code once created and prior to Finance release requires adjustment for Valuation Type and for the valuation price that have to be re-entered. It is strong recommend to select the material more similar to what is going to be procured, and that "BO" materials with batch management are applied to allow the tracking of the items thru Free-zone management.
- Storage location: Storage Location '0004' applies to 'ON-DEMAND PROC'.
- WBS element: in line with related SO, the WBS element associated to the External or Internal Partners applies, if existing in UNHRD WBS structure. In case of Sale from Internal Partners, being non-Corporate Response Stock items, the generic WBS element 'S.0001.4.01.005' to be applied in order to receive the items in stock as generic "WFP" material.
Procurement of goods under in-transit process
In-transit process is applied to those sales that involve procurement of goods that transit in UNHRD Warehouses for a short lapse of time with the purpose to expedite the outbound process and minimise the efforts from Logistics team when managing such time of cargo during both tine inbound and the outbound processes.
- Account assignment: is P for either Internal or External Partners
- Material code: it has to be selected from the range of material codes available in the Material Master Database or selected amongst the most similar range of materials; in case the material cis not available in the system, the material code field can be left empty
- Material group: in case the material to be adopted does not exist in the system, select the proper material group that applies to the goods that are required to be procured.
- WBS element: in line with related SO, the WBS element associated to the Partner applies.
NOTE No POWM has to be issued in case of procurement for external partner when in-transit process is applied.
Procurement of services and goods thru Project Number and Fund Reservation
In case of procurement of services and goods against a project (i.e. WBS element) and fund reservation is provided (e.g. ) enter “P” as account assignment category in case of procurement of NON WFP NFI otherwise select “Q” to procure WFP NFI materials for prepositioned stock in UNHRD warehouses:
• Select “Standard” in the Item Category (column “I”) in case of NFI Goods procurement or “D” to procure services:
• In case of procurement of NFI Goods and Account Assignment category adopted is “Q” (i.e. procurement of stock inventory for WFP -internal Partners), enter the material code in the column “Material”:
NOTE: To create a PR for new items which are not classified in WINGS (e.g. under new LTA), the Material Master Creation Form has to be completed to request the creation of new materials in WINGS: by filling in the form all the specs required for the creation will be available for the creation and the PR creator can adopt the new code in the PR as well. Upon arrival of the items, changes on the Material Master Database can be applied in case changes from the original information provided are observed by the storekeeper during the inspection of received items (e.g. level of packagings). request for not yet classified materials has to be submitted to the Process Expert and Local Process Expert. In case Account Assignment category adopted is “P” (procurement of NOWFP NFI for External Partner) enter the material code, even if not mandatory, as the PONF represents the reference for the creation of the following POWN required to receive in Warehouse Management the items procured for External Partners.
• To identify the material code click on the dropdown menu icon and enter part of the material description in the Material description field begin and followed with a “*”:
• Click on . The system will return the list of all the items that contain the keyword searched:
• Select the material that has to be procured and click on :
NOTE: In case material code is entered, the system will automatically fill the Short Text and the Material Group.
HINTS In case the items are subject to the return upon LOAN/BORROWING process, enter '0003 in the Storage location field.
• Enter the quantity, “EA” as Order of unit of measure, “D” as Date Category, and the delivery date in the format dd.mm.yyyy
• If Account assignment category contains “F”, “P” or “Z”, enter the relevant information in the Material Group Field by clicking on the dropdown menu icon and click on
to enter the most sensible keyword to search for the best code begin and followed by a “*” :
• Click on and the system will position the cursor on the first Material Group Description containing the keyword. Click on
to find the next selection containing the same keyword:
• Click on the preferable entry and click on .
• Enter the delivery plant (place where the material will be delivered at):
• the Purchasing group (ref. to the Procurement office at hub level that will issue the PO):
• In the Requisnr. field enter one of the text below depending on the case scenario:
- In case of regular replenishment/stock implementation, enter the name of the Partner that requested the Sales
- In case of Direct Delivery Sales Order, enter the letters 'DD' followed by the name of the supplier (e.g. DD-O.B.Wiik)
- In case of Loan/Borrowing process, enter the name of the Partner that lent the items (e.g. IRISH AID)
- In case of Procurement from WHITE STOCK, enter the name of the supplier followed by the Plant (e.g. OB Wiik-AEHD)
NOTE: the Requisnr. field can record max 12 digits
• Click on on the top-left side of the screen.
• In case of procurement of services fill in the Service tab fields circled below:
• Enter the account assignment details
- Click on on this screen and on the Account Assignments one
HINTS: To change the currency click on: and modify the defaulted currency (USD) to the required one (e.g. EUR):
• Click on the Valuation tab and under the PO Price select “As gross price” to allow the PO to adopt the value entered:
• Also enter the appropriate Valuation type selecting one of the following options marked with an X (the material master data is extended in the system for the appropriate Valuation types):
Procurement of services and goods thru Internal Order
In case of Internal Order details provided (AAs “F”) follow same instructions provided before and in the account assignment view enter the Order number; then click on More:
- Enter the Cost Category provided and “1” as Availability type (the system will fill the information circled in blue automatically)
- Click on on the top-left side of the screen so that the system will enter all the funds information blue below:
- Click on on this screen and on the Account Assignments one
- Enter the appropriate WBS element (in line with the SO created), as shown in the printshot below
- The system will populate the fields circled in blue above; Cost Category and Avail.type are normally requested when PR is created against Internal Order, meaning for any other procurement than UNHRD Special Business’s.
- Click on on the top-left side of the screen so that the system will enter all the funds information blue below
• Click on the Valuation tab and under the PO Price select “As gross price” to allow the PO to adopt the value entered:
• Also enter the appropriate Valuation type selecting one of the following options marked with an X (the material master data is extended in the system for the appropriate Valuation types):
• Enter the SO number and line item in the appropriate fields of the WFP DATA tab:
NOTE: The system eventually warns on the fact that the line of the SO is already used or deleted, but allows PR saving.
• Enter further line items if required and click on to check the data entered.
• If the system does not return any error click on
to Save the PR.
HINTS: in case there are any problems with the account assignment or in case of data entry involving several line items the system can keep the PR on hold by clicking on : the system will assign a number to allow following access for PR finalization.
Ensure that PR total value is in line with Down Payment and Sales Order in terms of materials, quantities, values and WBS elements.
Procurement of Assets
In case it is required to procure any goods for office use (not meant for Inventory stock) with value above USD 5000, it is required to create the asset number to be associated to the acquisition of items. In order to procure Assets, perform all the above steps and after all the details on the PR are inserted (valuation included) Enter A in the account assignment field:
Enter the Business Area ITHS and click on “Additional data” button:
Click on the “Time-dependent” and enter the Internal order in the “Int. order” field
Click on the Enter icon so that the system will populate the bottom part of the screen with the remaining details:
Go back and click on the Distribute (enter button):
The system will enter the Asset number:
Purchase requisition release
PR has to be released at 0 level to proceed with following release and conversion into a PO.
NOTE Before to proceed with PR release, run the Logistics Reconciliation Report (thru transactions ZSCR126) to check if all the PR lines are well linked to SO lines.
Enter the SO number in the field highlighted below and click on :
Apply the '/SCF Layout':
Only once all the SO lines are linked to related PR lines, the release of the PR can be started.
Follow the path below to release the PR at 0 level or type transaction ME54N:
•Click on to enter the PR number that has to be released; enter the number and click on
•Click on to release ea line item and repeat the operation on all the line items:
HINTS: to navigate between the line items listed in the PR click on the up and down arrows:
•Click on to accept the changes and click on
to Save the Purchase Request.
•If you need to need to release more than one line item, select the line items that require to be released: to select all the items just click on the blue-circled icon otherwise just click on the green-circled square
of ea line that requires to be released.
•Just click no the red-circled flag and save it.
The PR has to be submitted to Finance FA release, before Procurement Unit turns it into PONF or POS.
Change a PR
To change a PR run transaction ME52N or follow the path below:
•The system will return the information on last PR processed:
•Click on to enter the number of the PR that requires to be changed.
•Enter the PR number and click on :
•Apply the changes required and save the PR taking into account that in case of increase of PR value the release is affected so that the PR must be released at 0 and RA level again.